Model 9K 115V 12K 115V 9K 230V 12K 230V 18K 230V 24K 230V
Power supply 115V~/60Hz/1P 115V~/60Hz/1P 208/230V~/60Hz/1P 208/230V~/60Hz/1P 208/230V~/60Hz/1P 208/230V~/60Hz/1P
Rated Cooling
Rated cooling capacity Btu/h 9000 12000 9000 12000 18000 23000
EER2 Btu/W.h 12.5 12.5 13.0 13.0 13.0 12.5
SEER2 Btu/W.h 23.0 22.0 23.5 23.0 22.0 20.0
Rated Heating Rated Heating capacity Btu/h 9500 12000 9500 12000 18000 24000
Rated Heating capacity Btu/h 6000 7500 6000 7500 10000 14000
Max. Heating capacity Btu/h 8000 10000 8000 10000 14000 18000
Max. Heating capacity Btu/h 7000 8700 7300 9100 11900 16000
HSPF2  (Region IV) Btu/W.h 9.0 9.0 9.2 9.5 8.8 8.8
HSPF2  (Region V) Btu/W.h 7.8 7.8 7.9 8.2 7.6 7.6
COP2 W/W 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.2
COP (5/-15) W/W 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8
Cooling W 710 920 710 920 1350 1920
Rated Input Consumption Heating W 730 910 730 910 1310 2050
Cooling A 6.4 8.2 3.2 4.1 6.1 8.6
Rated Current Heating A 6.5 8.2 3.3 4.1 5.9 9.2
Cooling A 16 17 9 11 13 19
Min. Circuit Ampacity   A 25.0 25.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 30.0
Maximum Fuse Size   Mpa 6.3Mpa 6.3Mpa 6.3Mpa 6.3Mpa 6.3Mpa 6.3Mpa
Maximum Operation Pressure   Liters/h 1.1 1.6 1.1 1.6 2.2 2.6
Moisture removal   m3/h 650/550/450 800/650/500 650/550/450 800/650/500 1250/1050/900 1250/1050/900
Indoor airflow 1cfm1.7m3/h CFM 382/324/265 471/382/294 382/324/265 471/382/294 735/618/529 735/618/529
Turbo/High/Med./Low/Mute   42/39/34/29/27 45/39/34/29/27 42/39/34/29/27 45/39/34/29/27 48/45/40/35/31 51/48/43/38/35
Indoor noise level at cooling   m3/h 2100 2100 2100 2100 3300 4500
Outdoor airflow 1cfm1.7m3/h CFM 1235 1235 1235 1235 1941 2647
  dB(A) 50 52 50 52 52 58
Outdoor noise level Gas inches 3/8'' 3/8'' 3/8'' 3/8'' 1/2'' 5/8"
Connecting Pipe Liquid inches 1/4'' 1/4'' 1/4'' 1/4'' 1/4'' 1/4''
Size x Core number 4×16AWG 4×16AWG 4×16AWG 4×16AWG 4×16AWG 4×16AWG
Connecting Wiring   sq.ft Up to 400 Up to 550 Up to 400 Up to 550 Up to 1000 Up to 1500
Suitable area Indoor mm 820×306×195 920×306×195 820×306×195 920×306×195 1100×333×222 1100×333×222
Net dimensions  (W x D x H) inch 32.28×12.05×7.68 36.22×12.05×7.68 32.28×12.05×7.68 36.22×12.05×7.68 43.31×13.11×8.74 43.31×13.11×8.74
Outdoor mm 728x305x550 728x305x550 728x305x550 728x305x550 845×380×699 910x420x800
inch 28.66x12.01x21.65 28.66x12.01x21.65 28.66x12.01x21.65 28.66x12.01x21.65 33.26x14.96x27.51 35.83x16.54x31.50
Indoor kg 9.5 10.5 9.5 10.5 14.0 14.0
Net weight lbs 20.9 23.1 20.9 23.1 30.9 30.9
Indoor with all accessories kg 10.8 11.5 10.8 11.5 15.0 15.0
lbs 23.8 25.4 23.8 25.4 33.1 33.1
Outdoor kg 23.5 27.4 23.3 26.8 38.5 47.5
lbs 51.8 60.4 51.4 59.1 84.9 104.7
Outdoor with 5m pipe kg 25.5 29.4 25.3 28.8 40.5 49.5
lbs 56.2 64.8 55.8 63.5 89.3 109.1
  mm 890×380×265 990×380×265 890×380×265 990×380×265 1165×405×295 1165×405×295
Indoor Packing dimensions (W x D x H)   inch 35.04×14.96×10.43 38.98×14.96×10.43 35.04×14.96×10.43 38.98×14.96×10.43 45.87×15.95×11.61 45.87×15.95×11.61
    mm 840x340x605 840x340x605 840x340x605 840x340x605 960×430×750 1028×485×850
*** Indoor Unit *** Motor Brand   Weilling Weilling Weilling Weilling Broad-Ocean Broad-Ocean
Indoor Motor              
*** Outdoor Unit ***   Type R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a
Refrigerant   g 780 1200 780 1200 1430 1850
1oz=28.35g ozs 27.51 42.33 27.51 42.33 50.44 65.26
Compressor Motor Brand   Weilling Weilling Weilling Weilling Broad-Ocean Broad-Ocean
Outdoor Motor   g/oz 780g/27.51ozs 1200g/42.33ozs 780g/27.51ozs 1200g/35.27ozs 1430g/50.44ozs 1850g/65.26ozs
Factory Refrigerant charge(7.5m pipe)   (m/ft) 7.5 / 25 7.5 / 25 7.5 / 25 7.5 / 25 7.5 / 25 7.5 / 25
Factory Precharge Line   (m/ft) 15 / 50 15 / 50 15 / 50 15 / 50 20 / 65 20 / 65
Maximum Line Length   (m/ft) 10 / 33 10 / 33 10 / 33 10 / 33 15 / 49 15 / 49
Maximum Height Difference Between Indoor and Outdoor   (g/m, oz/ft) 20 / 0.22 20 / 0.22 20 / 0.22 20 / 0.22 20 / 0.22 20 / 0.22