6 products
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#btu_9k+9K Up to 800 Sq.Ft. #btu_12k+12K up to 1100 sq.ft.
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#btu_9K+24k up to 1900 sq.ft. #btu_18K+18k up to 2000 sq.ft.

DELLA Versa Series 36000 BTU Dual Zone Mini Split AC

Sale priceFrom $2,499.96 Regular price$2,799.96
Save 9%
#btu_9K+9K+9K+9K up to 1600 sq.ft. #btu_9K+9K+12K+12K up to 1900 sq.ft.

DELLA Versa Series 36000 BTU Quad-Zone Mini Split AC

Sale priceFrom $2,999.96 Regular price$3,299.96
#BTU_9K+12K Up to 950 Sq.Ft. #btu_18k+18k up to 2000 sq.ft.
Save 4%
#btu_9k+9K+12K up to 1350 sq.ft. #btu_9K+12K+24K up to 2450 sq.ft.

DELLA Versa Series 36000 BTU Tri-Zone Mini Split AC

Sale priceFrom $2,749.96 Regular price$3,049.96
#btu_9k+9k+9K up to 1200 sq.ft. #btu_9K+12K+12K up to 1500 sq.ft.